New EMPLEA-T program for hiring in Andalusia

Picture of Alejandro Freijo
Alejandro Freijo

Fomento Económico Marbella

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What is the EMPLEA-T Program and how can it help you hire talent in your company?

In a competitive labor world, having support to hire talent is essential. If your company is in Andalusia, the EMPLEA-T Program is an opportunity you cannot miss. The Junta de Andalucía has launched this program with the aim of promoting labor insertion through a series of subsidies for permanent hires. Here we tell you everything you need to know.

What is the objective of the EMPLEA-T Program?

The program seeks to encourage stable hiring in Andalusian companies, offering up to €25,000 per contract, depending on the type of aid. It is mainly aimed at:

  • Self-employed persons.
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
  • Local corporations (to promote youth employment).

The aim is to improve employment opportunities for specific groups, such as young people, people with disabilities, the long-term unemployed and people over 45 years of age.

7 Subsidy lines of the EMPLEA-T Program

The program includes 7 lines of aid, each with specific requirements and amounts. Here we summarize them for you:

  1. First indefinite-term contract (self-employed)
    • 💰 Up to €18,000 (+€2,000 if a woman is hired).
    • Requirement: There must not have been any previous hiring in the last 12 months.
  2. Second or successive indefinite-term contracts (self-employed and SMEs)
    • 💰 Up to 15,000 € (+2,000 € additional for female hires).
  3. Conversion of part-time to full-time contracts
    • 💰 Up to €10,000.
  4. Hiring people with disabilities
    • 💰 Up to €20,000 per contract.
  5. Hiring of interns (EPES Program)
    • 💰 Up to €20,000.
    • Requirement: The persons hired must have participated in the Professional Experiences for Employment Program (EPES).
  6. Hiring of young people enrolled in the Youth Guarantee program.
    • 💰 Up to €18,000.
  7. Hiring of young people by local corporations
    • 💰 Up to €25,000.
    • Training contract with a duration of 12 months.

General eligibility requirements

In order to qualify for these grants, both companies and self-employed individuals must meet a series of general conditions:

  • To be based or carry out economic activity in Andalusia.
  • Formalize indefinite-term contracts with a full or part-time work schedule (minimum 50%).
  • Guarantee the maintenance of the contract for at least 24 months.
  • Net increase in the number of permanent employees.

Important exclusions

Not all hires are eligible for these grants. Some of the excluded cases are:

  • Contracts with immediate family members of the employer.
  • Hiring through temporary employment agencies.
  • Special employment relationships (such as discontinuous permanent employees or executives).

How to apply for grants?

Applications are submitted electronically through the Single Electronic Registry of the Junta de Andalucía. These are the key deadlines:

  • Lines 1, 2 and 4: Until April 30, 2025.
  • Line 7: 10 working days after publication of the call.

The administration will automatically verify most of the requirements, such as tax and social security certifications.

Payments and fulfillment of obligations

Grant payments are made in two phases:

  1. First payment of 50% upon granting of the aid.
  2. Second payment of the remaining 50% after 12 months of maintaining the contract.

It is important to comply with all the conditions, since failure to comply could result in the total or partial reimbursement of the aid.

Benefits of participating in the EMPLEA-T Program

This program represents an excellent opportunity to improve the labor structure of your company, since:

  • Reduce labor costs thanks to subsidies of up to €25,000.
  • Promotes labor stability by requiring indefinite contracts.
  • Incentivizes equality through additional bonuses for hiring women.
  • Supports the labor insertion of vulnerable groups.


If you are a self-employed, SME or local corporation in Andalusia, the EMPLEA-T Program can help you grow, improve your workforce and generate a positive impact in your community. Don’t miss this opportunity!

See more details on the official website of the Junta de Andalucía and apply for your grant before April 30, 2025.